What the fuck was that?
That's what I was muttering during the whole movie. Just watched it yesterday when my friends came and had movie night.
Kill Bill has to be the worst movie on THE PLANET and is the most overated movie EVER. The sword fights were okay, the violence was just stupid, the music selection was terrible, the dialougue was 100% shit, AND IT GETS 4 STARS!
Every second in a fight scene there was sprays of blood, swords clanging until one of the enemies makes a stupid move and dies, like wow.
The only part that I actually felt to be intense and cool was the part in that japanese place at the end where that girl had the steel ball attatches to the chain, everything else was UTTER SHIT.
I don't know how the hell people thought that was a good movie.
Onto other news-
I might try Flash again soon. :)
That was a list of what?